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Learn to Sew - It's good for your brain

Lyndee Lee

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

Sewing is so much more than stitches and fabric. It's more than pins and patterns. Sewing is an adventure. It opens doors of possibility, growth, and creativity. It's a journey that gives the sewist much more than most realize.

Here are just some of the reasons that your homeschool child should learn to sew.

Sewing promotes:




Problem Solving





Mental endurance

Measured Success

Aside from the above list, sewing is fun! It is a great way to explore creativity and challenge oneself. If approached carelessly, frustration, defeat and tears might surface. That's not good for anyone. We want everyone, especially your young sewists, to have a positive experience learning to sew. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Learn how to sew successfully!

1- Don't bite off more than you can chew. Basically, if you are a beginner, start at the beginning. It really IS that simple. I have met many adults that have no interest in learning to sew because their sweet, and well intentioned grandma, tried teaching them using a pattern WAY beyond their understanding/skill level. Don't skip starting with the basics, especially with young sewists! To truly learn the basics (how to do a pivot, how to follow a seam allowance, etc) a curriculum is needed. (We'll talk more about curriculums in the next tip)

2- Select the right curriculum. For obvious reasons, we feel our curriculum is the best! With a combined 75+ years of teaching sewing, designing patterns, and/or writing sewing curriculum, our Learn To Sew Kids team has created a simple, yet thorough homeschool sewing curriculum. Starting with the basics, you will learn things like....the parts of your machine, how to do basic stitches, as well as how to use patterns, fabric types, and more. As you progress, you will sew various projects that teach very important fundamental concepts needed to be a successful sewist. We want you to achieve success and have a fun time doing it! You can find our curriculum Units 1-5 and Units 6-10 here. (Fun side note, more Units coming this year...yes, we are excited too)

3- The right sewing machine and sewing basket of supplies is a must. Make sure your machine is working and you have all the supplies needed. If you need help selecting the right sewing machine, check out our blog post about Selecting a Sewing Machine. Our Learn To Sew Units 1-5 have a comprehensive list of what every beginning sewist should have in his/her sewing basket. The right supplies are priceless in your sewing journey.

4- Don't be afraid! Don't let fear stop you. Jump in and learn things just one step at a time. Learning to sew is achievable...for everyone! Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes aren't bad! They are the perfect opportunity to learn, re-evaluate, and try again. Carolyn Curtis, owner and founder of Kids Can Sew once said "There are no mistakes, only lessons learned."

Start your journey today! Learn to sew with Learn To Sew Kids Homeschool Curriculum. If you (as a parent) don't know how to sew, no can learn along side your child. Let your sewing journey begin today!

Happy Sewing!




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